Werner Z. Hirsch and Luc E. Weber (eds)
Economica, Glion Colloquium Series Nr. 2, London, Paris, Genève, 2002
Detailed Information
- Published 2002, London, Paris & Geneva
- Economica, 204 pp, € 29.95
- Glion Colloquium Series #7
- ISBN 978-2-4439-2
- Sold out at Economica Paris
- Order at Amazon
- Also available at Archives ouvertes University of Geneva
At its first meeting in 1998, members of the Glion Colloquium identified some major challenges facing universities in the age of the informatlon technology and communication revolution. One of these challenges is to set up new intc-llectual alliances within the university and new partnerships outside it. The ithird Colloquium, wh~chto ok place from May 30 to June 3, 2001 in Glion, Switzerland, had as its topic As the Walls of Academia Are Tumbling Down. The Colloquium observed that increasing external permeability of the university is both complemented by and made more complex by increasing internal permeability. More research and teaching cross the boundaries of conventional disciplines, while creating and Imparting knowledge at their 1ntersec1:ion. Contributions examined the varlous ways in which universities, especial1.y research universit~es, cooperate with industry and the cornmercial sector generally, Including but not limited to sponsored research, intellectual property, and new technologies as they afTect traditional and new types of learners..