Transforming an Economy through Research and Innovation

GK Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Governance and leadership, Research & Innovation

In the race to diversify their economies beyond oil and gas predominance, several Middle East Countries are moving to develop “knowledge-based” economies. Higher education, particularly in technical areas, and innovation are seen as key to making that transition. New higher education institutions are being built  

Innovation strategies of European Universities in the Triangle of Education, Research and Innovation

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Research & Innovation, Teaching & Learning

In Europe, the first university started in Bologna in 1088 as “universitas magistrorum et scholarium”, a community of teachers and students. Its legitimacy was derived from a humanistic program; its activities consisted in providing general and professional education. As an example of the mission of a medieval university,  

New University Paradigms for Technological Innovation

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Research & Innovation

In today’s global, knowledge-driven economy, leadership in innovation is essential to a nation’s  prosperity and security. In particular, technological innovation — the transformation of new knowledge  into products, processes and services of value to society — is critical to economic competitiveness,  national security and an improved  

The Research University as Comprehensive Knowledge Enterprise

GK Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation, Teaching & Learning

While the Glion Colloquia have brought university leaders together to exchange perspectives on an array of critical issues confronting higher education, perhaps none is more imperative to consider than the role of the research university in an innovation-driven society. Research universities are the primary source of the new knowledge and …

The Next decade, a Challenge for Technological and Societal Innovations

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Research & Innovation

About 25 years ago, the world entered a period that we can call — although it is not brutal or quasi-instantaneous, but progressive — a revolution, which is rooted in political and economic, as well as scientific and technological forces. This revolution has brought increasing prosperity to the developed  world …

BILDUNG and Innovation — a Contradictio in Adjecto for Today’s University Education

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation, Teaching & Learning

I do think that the terms Bildung and innovation can be contradictory, at least they express the inner  conflict felt by a person, who is responsible for change in an institution — the university — and therefore  for innovation and, at the same time, knows how frequently and in what …

The Challenge of Establishing World-Class Research Universities in Developing Countries

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Research & Innovation

Preoccupations about university rankings reflect the general recognition that economic growth and global competitiveness are increasingly driven by knowledge and that universities play a key role in that  context. Indeed, rapid advances in science and technology across a wide range of areas — from  information and communication technologies  

Science and Technology in Brazil

GK Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Research & Innovation

Scientists in Brazil published 16,950 scientific articles in indexed journals in 2005. The country is the  17th-largest producer of science in the world. Nine out of ten of these articles were generated in public  university laboratories. Scientists and engineers in business sector R&D activities created several cases  of world-class competitive …

Global Success: Real World Research ‘Meets’ Global Practitioners

GK Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Human Resources, Research & Innovation

In this chapter we will first discuss the intensified global competition that seems to be evident between  academic institutions. We will then point out two dimensions that might enhance stronger academic  value creation in this emerging context. The first is more emphasis on realistic research — “real world”  relevance in …

Partnering on a Global Scale

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Human Resources, Research & Innovation

The past decade has brought tumultuous change to industry, effectively rewriting the assumptions and  rules of how global business is conducted and of where to locate one’s operations and why. The  advancement of information and communications technology, the ready access to a global delivery infrastructure, the pervasiveness of worldwide supply …

Universities as Content Providers

GK Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation, Teaching & Learning

The main mission of the University was and still is Education. Naturally, Universities are also involved in many other activities like Research, Innovation, Incubation of small companies, services, etc. Education is, however, the main goal. To achieve this goal, Universities daily produce and disseminate content  using different instruments.