Ana Mari Cauce, Yves Flückiger, Bert van der Zwaan (Eds)
The Glion Colloquium , Volume Nr. 13, Geneva (2022)
This 13th volume recording the Glion Colloquiums provides a striking set of ideas concerning the communication and exchange of research universities with society. Its timely topic was chosen by the programme committee in 2019, before the outbreak of the pandemic. Eminent leaders of research universities around the globe present indispensable advice on how to improve the “relationship” of science with society, especially during a crisis
First, about how universities communicate, presuming that communication to and with society is at the heart of the university and increases the value of research considerably. Second, how citizens participate in research – examining the active promotion of citizen science, ways to help this communication forward and new approaches for motivating faculty and staff into action. In the third part, leaders recommend how universities can contribute to efficient public policy-making. Contributions discuss the important question whether the university takes an active stand in the debate, or is only striving to activate knowledge in the context of politics. In the fourth part, participants discuss how universities become the fifth power. Knowledge diplomacy is becoming a powerful tool, but universities should be more aware of why and how they are used by authorities, and carefully think about how their academic freedom can be imperilled.
Detailed Information
- Vahan AGOPYAN President University of São Paulo
- Ana Mari CAUCE President University of Washington, Seattle
- Tony CHAN President, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
- Shiyi CHEN Former President, Southern University of Science and Technology
- Nicholas DIRKS President and CEO, New York Academy of Sciences
- Yves FLÜCKIGER Rector, University of Geneva (UNIGE)
- Meric GERTLER President, University of Toronto
- Kerstin KRIEGLSTEIN Rector, University of Freiburg
- C. CHAN Founding Vice Chancellor, O. P. Jindal Global University
- Sabine KUNST President, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU)
- Karen MAEX Rector Magnificus, University of Amsterdam
- Joël MESOT President, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ)
- Mamokgethi PHAKENG Vice Chancellor & Principal, University of Cape Town (UCT)
- Ivanka POPOVIĆ Rector, University of Belgrade
- Michael SCHAEPMAN Rector, University of Zurich
- Michael SPENCE President and Provost, University College London
- Subra SURESH President, Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
- Bert VAN DER ZWAAN Former Rector, University of Utrecht, Past President LERU
- Martin VETTERLI President, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)
- Luc WEBER Rector Emeritus, University of Geneva, Founding President Glion Colloquium
- Matthias EGGER President of the Research Council, SNSF, Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Bern
- Doris LEUTHARD Former President of the Swiss Confederation
- Didier QUELOZ Professor of Astronomy (Nobel Prize 2019), University of Geneva and University of Cambridge