From moocs to moors – a movement towards humboldt 2-0

GK Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation, Teaching & Learning

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have attracted a lot of attention in the academic world in general and presidents’ officesmore particularly. But some worry that this model of teaching is a step back to a vertical and unidirectional model of knowledge transmission and that it breaks down the Humboldtian contract …

Reinventing greatness – responding to urgent global level responsibilities

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities

In this chapter I reflect on the contemporary significance of knowledgeinstitutions, and particularly research universities, for both emerging andestablished economies and for the world as a whole, but with particular reference to South Africa and Africa. As knowledge institutions have become ever more central to human social and economic development, …

The role of the university in Economic Development

GK Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation

Any top-rated research university has two core missions, namely, education and scholarly research. The primary focus of the institutionmust be on maintaining quality in these two areas, since the external reputation of the university depends upon its ability to serve students well and on the research reputation of its faculty. …

The social and political responsibilities of research universities

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities

This paper attempts to come up with possible answers to the question:“What do universities consider to be their most important prioritiesand responsibilities in 1) addressing the challenges facing their institutions; and 2) expectations arising from their societies at the local, regional or global level?” Specifically, I wish to address some …

The Role of Universities in Regional Development

LW Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities

In addition to the classic functions of research and teaching, universities worldwide are fulfilling additional functions within their communities. This activity is generally described as the so-called “third mission” of the university and reflects the transfer of knowledge through various forms of community engagement with a wide range of stakeholders… …

A Research University for both Academic Excellence and Responsibility for a sustainable future – does the Swedish model work?

LW Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities

Sweden has for a long time been spared from armed conflicts and major disruptive social problems. During the past decades, we have gone from a homogeneous state to an increasingly diverse and diverged country. In an international comparison, Sweden looks in many ways like a very attractive country to live …

How to Answer the Utilitarian Assault on Higher Education?

LW Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities

GROWING PRESSURES TO ADOPT UTILITARIAN MISSION Across the country, state governors and governing boards are demanding that undergraduate education focus on the preparation of students for immediate jobs, thus promoting vocationalism above all other purposes of education, in fact, often to the exclusion of all other purposes. • In some …

Contemporary challenges for the Swiss – and the continental European – university system

LW Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities

A SLIGHT DISCOMFORT These are very interesting times for university education at the world level, and Switzerland is indeed no exception to this generalization. The importance of higher education in our societies and our economies is being constantly stressed, universities enjoy a higher level of institutional autonomy worldwide than was …

The changing Nature and Character of Research Universities : New Paradigms

LW Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation

The research university in its current form represents a remarkable and successful model where education and research and its application are brought together in synergistic ways that produce valuable new ideas, insights, products and services, as well as thought-leadership that informs policy and action (National Research Council of the National …

Higher Education Model for Large Developing Economies

LW Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities

Education is the key to socio-economic development and character building. Higher education plays an important role in knowledge and wealth creation. Historically, one can find a good correlation between the spread and quality of higher education and the economic development of a nation. Scientific, social and economic developments in developed …

Research Universities and Sustainable Development with special Reference to India and IIT Madras

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Teaching & Learning

Rapid advances in technology have had dramatic consequences. The environment that moulded life on earth over many millennia is being altered and even replaced dynamically, endangering the very life whose quality science and technology seek to improve. The overwhelming concern of all societies today  is that of sustainability  

Responsibility of Business Schools to train Leaders

GK Chapters and other contributions, Human Resources, Missions & Responsibilities, Teaching & Learning

Business Schools have been seriously challenged in recent years and have sometimes accused of contributing directly to the financial and economic crisis that has deeply shaken the world and has not been yet overcome. Different types of arguments have been used against BS, including the setting up and use of …

The Contribution of Research Universities in solving the ‘Grand Challenges’

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation

Obviously, the world is changing rapidly, and not only for the better: Grand challenges for society are arising and demand solutions. Some challenges can be foreseen, some may occur without warning. When societal problems can be predicted, responsible governments have to address their solutions. Early research has to contribute to …

Action is what counts. Sustainability at ETH Zurich and EPFL

GK Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities

Tackling the challenges of sustainable development requires critical thinking, innovative technologies and an open dialogue between science, industry, and society. As Swiss-based universities that are consistently high in the leading international university rankings, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) and the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) …