International STEM Education for Global Sustainability

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Teaching & Learning

On a daily basis, people around the world face challenges that result from us all, together on our small planet, approaching the carrying capacity of our environment. The sustainability of humanity is determined by our ability to keep in balance the three pillars of society — our environment, and our …

Globalization, Universities and Sustainability Effects

GK Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Research & Innovation

More than ever, research universities live in an environment heavily impacted by the forces of  globalization. Their strategic thinking continues to be influenced by robust competition in critical areas such as funding, enrolment, recruitment and reputation, as well as by developments beyond their  national higher education systems.  

Responsibility of Business Schools to train Leaders

GK Chapters and other contributions, Human Resources, Missions & Responsibilities, Teaching & Learning

Business Schools have been seriously challenged in recent years and have sometimes accused of contributing directly to the financial and economic crisis that has deeply shaken the world and has not been yet overcome. Different types of arguments have been used against BS, including the setting up and use of …

Action is what counts. Sustainability at ETH Zurich and EPFL

GK Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities

Tackling the challenges of sustainable development requires critical thinking, innovative technologies and an open dialogue between science, industry, and society. As Swiss-based universities that are consistently high in the leading international university rankings, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) and the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) …

Research Intensive Universities in a Globalized World

GK Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation

As president of a German university and chairman of the League of European Research Universities (LERU), it is my special interest to discuss the role of research intensive universities and their impact on global sustainability from a European point of view. One may wonder why the perspectives of European universities …

The Contribution of Research Universities in solving the ‘Grand Challenges’

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation

Obviously, the world is changing rapidly, and not only for the better: Grand challenges for society are arising and demand solutions. Some challenges can be foreseen, some may occur without warning. When societal problems can be predicted, responsible governments have to address their solutions. Early research has to contribute to …

Sustaining World Class Universities: Who Pays and How

GK Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Governance and leadership

Higher education is now unarguably a global activity. In a digitally connected world, where capital and labour flow increasingly freely without hindrance from national boundaries, universities are no less subject to the forces of globalization than any other part of service sector economy. Universities from all over the world  

Values and Valuation for Sustainability

GK Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation

Last year, I chaired the U.S. National Academies’ Committee that produced the report, “The Hidden Costs of Energy” (2010). Using the most advanced methodology and the best available data, the Committee estimated a lower bound of US$120 billion per year in non-climate damages to Americans from producing and using energy …

How can Research Universities Contribute to Fostering Sustainable Societies in Developing Countries

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities

Although law is hardly a science, rather an intellectual discipline, it is at the heart of many of the issues discussed in this Colloquium: it shapes the functioning of democracy; it regulates markets; contributes to protecting the environment, to fighting corruption and crime; it avoids or solves conflicts, translates the …

Regional Engagement and Sustainability: University of Aveiro in Portugal

GK Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation

In the framework of the demographic evolution foreseen up to 2050, major issues related to  sustainability include: food, natural resources (water in particular) and energy. These “grand societal challenges” affect all aspects of our lives and are not contained within geographical borders or specific scientific disciplines.  

Global Governance, the Sustainability of International Institutions

GK Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership

Given the complex interdependence of our contemporary world, the challenges of global governance are exceedingly daunting. The task is made all the more difficult because most of the international institutions we still rely upon to manage contemporary global challenges were originally created and designed more than 60 years ago. They …

Preparing the University and its Graduates for the Unpredictable and Unknowable

GK Chapters and other contributions, Human Resources, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation, Teaching & Learning

Universities are a key player in the “knowledge society”. But this increased influx of knowledge and the exponential rate of technical progress also generate anxiety and fear that could undermine the fundamental role of universities to elaborate and disseminate knowledge. Universities should not be locked into the sterile debate of …

University 2.0 the University as an economic and social Driver

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Research & Innovation

This paper intends to renew certain paradigms that tend to limit the vision and functions of universities and advance towards the University 2.0, a scheme focused on society and that brings about concrete changes. The University 2.0 works in two great aspects: economic development models and social  development models,  

Global Environmental Sustainability: An ‘All-Hands on Deck’ Research Imperative

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Research & Innovation

The two-way interaction of societal activity with environmental processes now defines clear and present  challenges to our well-being. Human activity is changing the climate system and the ecosystem services that support human life and livelihoods. The changes are occurring at an unprecedented and often  bewildering pace.  

Global Sustainability. Timescales, Magnitudes, Paradigms and Black Swans

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation

We live in a time of great change, an increasingly global society, driven by the exponential growth of new knowledge and knitted together by rapidly evolving information and communication technologies. It is a time of challenge and contradiction, as an ever-increasing human population and invasive activities of humankind are now …