Global Governance, the Sustainability of International Institutions

GK Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership

Given the complex interdependence of our contemporary world, the challenges of global governance are exceedingly daunting. The task is made all the more difficult because most of the international institutions we still rely upon to manage contemporary global challenges were originally created and designed more than 60 years ago. They …

Singapore: Successful in Research, Striving for Innovation

GK Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Research & Innovation

Across the World, governments subscribe to the thesis that investment in research is a worthwhile public good for a number of reasons. Such investments are generally predicated on the view that research will lead directly to innovation and, hence, to wealth and employment creation. This “linear” model is an over-simplification …

KAUST: An International, Independent, Graduate Research University

GK Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Research & Innovation, Teaching & Learning

Education, research and economic development are among the highest priorities established by King Abdullah for Saudi Arabia. An equally important overriding priority for him is the development of  women for greater participation in the workforce. According to UNESCO, women make up 58% of the total student population of Saudi Arabia, …

INTRODUCTION: Respice, Prospice Higher Education A Decennial Review

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities

If “[a] week”, as the late British Prime Minister Harold Wilson once pointedly remarked, “is a long time in politics”, so also, a decade is a long time in higher education. It represents the graduation of two or three generations of students. It reflects the subtle influence of changing scholarly …

Injecting Relevance to make Innovation more Impactful at Universities

GK Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Research & Innovation

After a short tenure in teaching at universities, I have pursued an entrepreneurial career since 1980.  Nine years ago, when I joined the MICorporation in Cambridge, Massachusetts, I got reconnected back  to the academic world. Together with other like-minded individuals at MIT, I have been experimenting with ways in which …

Transforming an Economy through Research and Innovation

GK Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Governance and leadership, Research & Innovation

In the race to diversify their economies beyond oil and gas predominance, several Middle East Countries are moving to develop “knowledge-based” economies. Higher education, particularly in technical areas, and innovation are seen as key to making that transition. New higher education institutions are being built  

The Next decade, a Challenge for Technological and Societal Innovations

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Research & Innovation

About 25 years ago, the world entered a period that we can call — although it is not brutal or quasi-instantaneous, but progressive — a revolution, which is rooted in political and economic, as well as scientific and technological forces. This revolution has brought increasing prosperity to the developed  world …

The Challenge of Establishing World-Class Research Universities in Developing Countries

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Research & Innovation

Preoccupations about university rankings reflect the general recognition that economic growth and global competitiveness are increasingly driven by knowledge and that universities play a key role in that  context. Indeed, rapid advances in science and technology across a wide range of areas — from  information and communication technologies  

The German Excellence Initiative: Changes, Challenges and Chances

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities

For more than 200 years, the German university system has followed the ideas of Wilhelm von  Humboldt — the unity of research and teaching, the freedom of teaching being the most important of Humboldt’s principles. These ideas have been followed until today, even though the external conditions that universities have …

National Innovation Policies Governments as Innovation Agents of Higher Education and Research

GK Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities

There is widespread agreement among economists that international forces have changed the nature of economic development (Soete, 2006). National markets have become increasingly interrelated, and goods, services, capital, labour, as well as knowledge, flow around the world seeking the most favourable economic conditions. Natural resources  

Hi-Tech Industry and Universities: A Perspective on Dating for Joint Innovation

GK Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Governance and leadership

As recorded since the very beginning of our written history, knowledge has been progressing by  accumulating the experience of past and present generations (Van Doren, 1991). The creation of new  knowledge has been performed by various actors: priests, hunters, philosophers, farmers, artists, craftsmen, soldiers, faculties,  

Response of Chinese Higher Education and SJTU to Globalization

GK Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities, Teaching & Learning

Globalization means more competition and that a nation’s investment, production and innovation are  not limited by its borders. Internationalization, according to Levin (2001), is one set of behaviour  influenced by globalization processes. These processes are not only political and economic, but also  social and cultural,  

Doing Good by Doing Little: University Responsibility in a Violent Setting

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership

Lebanon’s very name evokes images of civil strife and destruction, of a society almost hopelessly divided  and open to exploitation by state and non state actors well beyond its borders. It is estimated that as  many as 100,000 (out of a population of ca. 3.5 million) Lebanese lost their lives …

Comprehensive Universities in Continental Europe: Falling Behind

GK Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Human Resources, Missions & Responsibilities

Universities in continental Europe have a long tradition of nearly one thousand years, incorporating the  idea of the “Greek academia”. The foundation of universities spread rapidly throughout medieval Europe, with Bologna (1088) and Paris (1150) as the first, acting as models for the others to come. The university started as …

Developed Universities and the Developing World: Opportunities and Obligations

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities

Among the scores of books written during the past decade about globalization — so many, in fact, that  some by different authors bear the same title 1 — none has captured as many readers as Thomas L.  Freidman’s The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century (2005). …

Science and Technology in Brazil

GK Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Research & Innovation

Scientists in Brazil published 16,950 scientific articles in indexed journals in 2005. The country is the  17th-largest producer of science in the world. Nine out of ten of these articles were generated in public  university laboratories. Scientists and engineers in business sector R&D activities created several cases  of world-class competitive …

Globalization of Research Universities in Korea

GK Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities

An important consequence of economic globalization is expected to be that only a few leading  universities will dominate the world of higher education, just as a few companies are dominating different industrial sectors worldwide. Globalization has thus become a major goal for most research  universities in Korea. It is driven …