Global Research Collaboration: a Vital Resource in a Turbulent World
Chapters and other contributions, Research & Innovation
Meric S. Gertler 2018 The research universities represented by the Glion Colloquium have been responsible for many of the greatest discoveries and intellectual breakthroughs in history. I am proud to lead one of these universities. For the last 800 years in Cambridge,...
Glion Colloquium X – Summary
Chapters and other contributions, Preface and Conclusion
James J. Duderstadt, University of Michigan; Luc E. Weber, University of Geneva 2016 In June 2015, the leaders of many of the world’s most distinguished research universities gathered in Glion-above-Montreux to participate in the GlionX Colloquium to consider the...
The evolution of globalized higher education
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities
Nicholas Dirks, University of Berkeley 2016 This essay is intended to elicit discussion around current thinking aboutthe globalization of higher education (from a U.S. point of view inparticular) in the context of proposing a new model we are attempting to develop at...
Global Diversity in Higher Education Systems
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities
Howard Newby, University of Liverpool 2016 A persistent theme of the Glion Colloquium, almost since inception,has been the impact of globalization on higher education worldwide. Indeed the sixth colloquium, which took place in 2007, was devoted to this topic. (Weber...
The Importance of Philanthropy
Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources
Leszek Borysiewicz, University of Cambridge 2016 The research universities represented by the Glion Colloquium have been responsible for many of the greatest discoveries and intellectual breakthroughs in history. I am proud to lead one of these universities. For the...
Creating shared value through open innovation
Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation
Stefan Catsicas, Nestlé 2016 “For a company to be successful over the long term and create value for shareholders, it must also create value for society. At Nestlé, this begins with the creation of superior long-term value for shareholders by offering products and...
Adapting the university to the constraints. Responsibilities and opportunities of a new age
Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities
James J. Duderstadt, University of Michigan 2016 During the years following the Great Depression and World War II,the United States launched a massive effort to provide educationalopportunities to all Americans. Returning veterans funded through the GI Bill...
Cities, research universities and the economic geography of innovation
Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation
Meric Gertler, University of Toronto 2016 Within the past decade, an increasingly pervasive view argues that“the world is flat”, and that location matters less and less whenit comes to economic activity (Friedman, 2005). Information and communication technologies are...
The Future of universities-academic freedom – autonomy and competition revisited
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources
Bernd Huber, Ludwig Maximilian University 2016 Over the last 50 years, universities and tertiary education have experienced a remarkable, unprecedented expansion. Europe, the continent with the oldest universities, provides a case in point: Before- World War II, only...
The university in the 21st century
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities
Luc Weber, University of Geneva 2016 The University is one of the greatest inventions of the second millennium (Rhodes, 1998). Europe can be particularly proud of this, given that the University is first and foremost a European institution which — while keeping its...
Intellectual change – creating the university of the 21st century
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities
Linda Katehi, UC Davis 2016 Change has typically come so slowly to higher education that someeducators have been known to tell a joke about a man, similar toRip Van Winkle in the classic Washington Irving short story by the same name, who woke up after being asleep...
The role of universities and social needs in times of great change
Chapters and other contributions, Human Resources, Missions & Responsibilities
Atsushi Seike, Keio University 2016 It goes without saying that universities are social entities, and the very meaning of their existence is directly related to whether they can serveand benefit society. Although this may vary widely among universities, and an...
Impact of technology on learning and scholarship
Chapters and other contributions, Research & Innovation, Teaching & Learning
Arnoud de Meyer, Singapore Management University 2016 Recently I took on the challenge of teaching a course to Undergraduatestudents at Singapore Management University. It had been more than20 years since I had taught any Undergraduates, having spent most of my career...
Global research questions and institutional research strategies
Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation
Patrick Prendergast, Trinity College 2016 Two years ago, one of the authors (PJP) was at a conference in Seoul on“The Role and Responsibilities of Research Universities”, moderatinga session on “Higher Education and Strategic Knowledge Creation”. It was an intensive...
Preface to university priorities and constraints
Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Preface and Conclusion, Uncategorized
James Jim Duderstadt, University of Michigan; Luc E. Weber, University of Geneva 2016 Since its launch in 1998, the Glion Colloquium has established itselfas both a key international forum and a highly influential resource inaddressing the challenges and...
the Glion Colloquium
Representing a diverse range of backgrounds, regions and disciplines, our participants come from a variety of universities and countries, united by a shared passion for innovation and excellence in higher education in the service of society.