The transformative power of the university
Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities
Bert van der Zwaan The university is one of few institutions surviving the changes that have affected society over the past 800 years. Stemming from a period which was dominated by the church and feudal lords, it successfully negotiated the Renaissance and...
Traditional universities: challenges and opportunities
Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities
Joël Mesot What is at stake? Never before has there been such a huge choice of providers of higher education as today. As this sector grows in reach and impact, it is also becoming more international. OECD data show that the mem -ber countries host more than 3.5...
The Global and the Local: Constructing a Distinctive Role for Universities in Shaping the Future
Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities
David W. Leebron We are meeting on the eve of your colloquium, which is why — when I was kindly asked to kick-start our discussion this evening — I thought it would be constructive to take a step back and begin with more of a bird’s-eye view. Specifically, I would...
Universities as drivers of societal development?
Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities
Michael O. Hengartner and Anna Däppen Research and teaching have always been the two core missions of uni-versities. But, central as they are, they only cover part of the spectrum of activities of modern universities. Indeed, urgent global challenges and the ongoing...
The role of a rising university in an emerging international metropolis
Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities
Shiyi Chen THE UNIVERSITY AND THE CITY IN THE AGE OF KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY. Colleges and universities are among the oldest type of organization, orig-inating from the medieval age. In the long historical trajectory of this social institution, it is commonly recognized...
The Geopolitics of Higher Education
Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities
Yves Flückiger and Stéphane Berthet Today, Higher Education Institutions are not only globalized but also globalizing entities. This evolution has gradually formed over the last three decades, changing profoundly the world landscape of academic institutions, which has...
The Future of the University – Preparing for Change: Building a Nimble and Responsive University
Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities
Thiam Soon Tan 2018 The research universities represented by the Glion Colloquium have been responsible for many of the greatest discoveries and intellectual breakthroughs in history. I am proud to lead one of these universities. For the last 800 years in Cambridge,...
The Story of the Cambridge Taxi Driver and the Future of the University
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities
Bert van der Zwaan 2018 The research universities represented by the Glion Colloquium have been responsible for many of the greatest discoveries and intellectual breakthroughs in history. I am proud to lead one of these universities. For the last 800 years in...
The Evolution and Missions of Universities in China
Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities
Jianhua Lin 2018 The research universities represented by the Glion Colloquium have been responsible for many of the greatest discoveries and intellectual breakthroughs in history. I am proud to lead one of these universities. For the last 800 years in Cambridge, new...
The evolution of globalized higher education
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities
Nicholas Dirks, University of Berkeley 2016 This essay is intended to elicit discussion around current thinking aboutthe globalization of higher education (from a U.S. point of view inparticular) in the context of proposing a new model we are attempting to develop at...
Global Diversity in Higher Education Systems
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities
Howard Newby, University of Liverpool 2016 A persistent theme of the Glion Colloquium, almost since inception,has been the impact of globalization on higher education worldwide. Indeed the sixth colloquium, which took place in 2007, was devoted to this topic. (Weber...
Creating shared value through open innovation
Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation
Stefan Catsicas, Nestlé 2016 “For a company to be successful over the long term and create value for shareholders, it must also create value for society. At Nestlé, this begins with the creation of superior long-term value for shareholders by offering products and...
Adapting the university to the constraints. Responsibilities and opportunities of a new age
Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities
James J. Duderstadt, University of Michigan 2016 During the years following the Great Depression and World War II,the United States launched a massive effort to provide educationalopportunities to all Americans. Returning veterans funded through the GI Bill...
Cities, research universities and the economic geography of innovation
Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation
Meric Gertler, University of Toronto 2016 Within the past decade, an increasingly pervasive view argues that“the world is flat”, and that location matters less and less whenit comes to economic activity (Friedman, 2005). Information and communication technologies are...
The university in the 21st century
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities
Luc Weber, University of Geneva 2016 The University is one of the greatest inventions of the second millennium (Rhodes, 1998). Europe can be particularly proud of this, given that the University is first and foremost a European institution which — while keeping its...
the Glion Colloquium
Representing a diverse range of backgrounds, regions and disciplines, our participants come from a variety of universities and countries, united by a shared passion for innovation and excellence in higher education in the service of society.