chapter model
Chapters and other contributions, Preface and Conclusion
Michael Møller 2020 We are meeting on the eve of your colloquium, which is why — when I was kindly asked to kick-start our discussion this evening — I thought it would be constructive to take a step back and begin with more of a bird’s-eye view. Specifically, I would...
Keynote Address
Chapters and other contributions, Preface and Conclusion
Michael Møller 2020 We are meeting on the eve of your colloquium, which is why — when I was kindly asked to kick-start our discussion this evening — I thought it would be constructive to take a step back and begin with more of a bird’s-eye view. Specifically, I would...
By way of conclusion
Chapters and other contributions, Preface and Conclusion
The University at the Crossroadsto a Sustainable Future. Much like the 11th Glion Colloquium in 2017, during the 12thColloquium there was less emphasis on the themes that are famil-iar among university leaders like financial sustainability, research opportunities,...
Some Concluding Remarks
Howard Newby and Luc Weber 2018 The research universities represented by the Glion Colloquium have been responsible for many of the greatest discoveries and intellectual breakthroughs in history. I am proud to lead one of these universities. For the last 800 years in...
Preface of the University in a Polarizing World
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Preface and Conclusion
Luc Weber, University of Geneva, & Howard Newby, University of Liverpool 2018 The research universities represented by the Glion Colloquium have been responsible for many of the greatest discoveries and intellectual breakthroughs in history. I am proud to lead one...
Glion Colloquium X – Summary
Chapters and other contributions, Preface and Conclusion
James J. Duderstadt, University of Michigan; Luc E. Weber, University of Geneva 2016 In June 2015, the leaders of many of the world’s most distinguished research universities gathered in Glion-above-Montreux to participate in the GlionX Colloquium to consider the...
Preface to university priorities and constraints
Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Preface and Conclusion, Uncategorized
James Jim Duderstadt, University of Michigan; Luc E. Weber, University of Geneva 2016 Since its launch in 1998, the Glion Colloquium has established itselfas both a key international forum and a highly influential resource inaddressing the challenges and...
Preface to Preparing Universities for an Era of Change
Chapters and other contributions, Preface and Conclusion
Luc E. Weber, University of Geneva James J. Duderstadt, University of Michigan 2014 The Glion Colloquium has established itself as an influential resource in addressing both the challenges and responsibilities of the world’s research universities. Every two years, the...
Summary and conclusion to Preparing Universities for an Era of Change
Chapters and other contributions, Preface and Conclusion
James Duderstadt, University of Michigan Luc Weber, University of Geneva 2014 The Colloquium was organized into five topical sessions: • the changing purpose, role and relationship of research universities • the changing nature of discovery, learning and innovation •...
Summary of the Colloquium
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Preface and Conclusion
James J. Duderstadt, Luc E. Weber, Glion Colloquium 2012 The VIII Glion Colloquium was held in June 2011 to consider the roles that could be played by the world’s research universities in addressing the various challenges of global sustainability in the broadest...
Preface to Global Sustainability and the Responsibilities of Universities
Chapters and other contributions, Preface and Conclusion
2012 Over the past decade, the Glion Colloquium has established itself as an influential resource in addressing both the challenges and roles of the world’s research universities. Launched in 1998 by Professors Luc Weber (University of Geneva) and Werner Hirsch...
Summary of University Research for Innovation
Chapters and other contributions, Preface and Conclusion
James J. Duderstadt, Luc E. Weber 2010 The first session began with the observation that it was precisely a century ago, in 1908, that Schumpeter introduced the terms “innovation” and “entrepreneurism” into economics at both the University of Vienna and Harvard,...
Universities and the Innovative Spirit
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Preface and Conclusion
Glion Declaration II 2010 As we approach the end of the first decade of the new millennium, it is useful to review the road that our global community has travelled. The dawn of the new millennium was a time not only of celebration, but also of optimism and hope....
The Globalization of Higher Education
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Preface and Conclusion
James J. Duderstadt, Luc E. Weber 2008 Today our world has entered a period of rapid and profound economic, social and political transformation based upon an emerging new system for creating wealth that depends upon the creation and application of new knowledge and...
Preface to the Globalization of Higher Education
Chapters and other contributions, Preface and Conclusion
Glion Colloquium 2008 The Sixth Glion Colloquium brought together university leaders from around the world in Glion above Montreux, Switzerland, to consider the challenges, opportunities and responsibilities presented to higher education by the emerging global,...
the Glion Colloquium
Representing a diverse range of backgrounds, regions and disciplines, our participants come from a variety of universities and countries, united by a shared passion for innovation and excellence in higher education in the service of society.