Global science, global talent in the wake of nationalism and populism
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Human Resources
Martin Vetterli and Gérard Escher US President Donald Trump is part of a chilling parade of politicians [...] who have risen to prominence in the past decade by fuelling anti-immigrant sentiment. But [...] we should be grateful for what global talent has done for our...
Recruiting International Talent
Chapters and other contributions, Human Resources
Meric S. Gertler Research universities have always thrived on the free circulation of peo-ple and ideas. So too have national economies. Many countries — most famously, the United States — have benefited from their ability to attract talented newcomers, who have gone...
Impact of Disruptive Technologies on Employment and the Role of Universities
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Human Resources
Atsushi Seike 2018 The research universities represented by the Glion Colloquium have been responsible for many of the greatest discoveries and intellectual breakthroughs in history. I am proud to lead one of these universities. For the last 800 years in Cambridge,...
The role of universities and social needs in times of great change
Chapters and other contributions, Human Resources, Missions & Responsibilities
Atsushi Seike, Keio University 2016 It goes without saying that universities are social entities, and the very meaning of their existence is directly related to whether they can serveand benefit society. Although this may vary widely among universities, and an...
Human capital, the oft forgotten key Challenge
Chapters and other contributions, Human Resources
Sijbolt Noorda, University of Amsterdam 2014 A university without faculty is like a bicycle without wheels. It won’t get you very far. I know this is a matter of course, forcing an open door. Yet, precisely because it is obvious that universities without teachers and...
Responsibility of Business Schools to train Leaders
Chapters and other contributions, Human Resources, Missions & Responsibilities, Teaching & Learning
Pascal Morand, ESCP Paris 2012 Business Schools have been seriously challenged in recent years and have sometimes accused of contributing directly to the financial and economic crisis that has deeply shaken the world and has not been yet overcome. Different types of...
Preparing the University and its Graduates for the Unpredictable and Unknowable
Chapters and other contributions, Human Resources, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation, Teaching & Learning
Alain Beretz, University of Strasbourg 2012 Universities are a key player in the “knowledge society”. But this increased influx of knowledge and the exponential rate of technical progress also generate anxiety and fear that could undermine the fundamental role of...
Community Engagement as Social Innovation
Chapters and other contributions, Human Resources, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation
Ellen Hazelkorn, Dublin Institute of Technology 2010 In 1992, Francis Fukyama reflected in The End of History and the Last Man on the transformative events signified by the collapse of the Berlin Wall. He argued that What we may be witnessing is not just the end of...
Industry as a Catalyst of Innovation
Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Human Resources, Research & Innovation
Wayne Johnson, HP University Relations Worldwide 2010 Success today hinges on our abilities to harness human potential, combine creativity with new knowledge and ensure economic impact is quickly derived from money spent on research. U.S. strength continues to lie in...
Team Players to Shape our Future: Do our Students Learn the Right Skills?
Chapters and other contributions, Human Resources, Teaching & Learning
Ralph Eichler, ETHZ 2010 Education is the key for success and welfare of a country. Figure 1 shows the correlation between the wealth intensity and the number of citations in scientific journals. Switzerland is among the top nations. It has a special, so-called dual...
Comprehensive Universities in Continental Europe: Falling Behind
Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Human Resources, Missions & Responsibilities
Georg Winckler, University of Vienna 2008 Universities in continental Europe have a long tradition of nearly one thousand years, incorporating the idea of the “Greek academia”. The foundation of universities spread rapidly throughout medieval Europe, with Bologna...
Global Success: Real World Research ‘Meets’ Global Practitioners
Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Human Resources, Research & Innovation
Peter Lorange, IMD Lausanne 2008 In this chapter we will first discuss the intensified global competition that seems to be evident between academic institutions. We will then point out two dimensions that might enhance stronger academic value creation in this...
Building Singapore’s University Education System in a Globalized World
Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Human Resources, Missions & Responsibilities
Tony Tan Keng Yam 2008 The research universities represented by the Glion Colloquium have been responsible for many of the greatest discoveries and intellectual breakthroughs in history. I am proud to lead one of these universities. For the last 800 years in...
Partnering on a Global Scale
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Human Resources, Research & Innovation
Wayne Johnson, HP University Relations Worldwide 2008 The past decade has brought tumultuous change to industry, effectively rewriting the assumptions and rules of how global business is conducted and of where to locate one’s operations and why. The advancement of...
Social Diversity in Research Universities
Chapters and other contributions, Human Resources, Missions & Responsibilities
Marcel Crochet, Catholic University of Louvain 2004 Read the full article
the Glion Colloquium
Representing a diverse range of backgrounds, regions and disciplines, our participants come from a variety of universities and countries, united by a shared passion for innovation and excellence in higher education in the service of society.