Transforming an Economy through Research and Innovation
Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Governance and leadership, Research & Innovation
Russel Jones & Arif Al Hammadi, Khalifa University 2010 In the race to diversify their economies beyond oil and gas predominance, several Middle East Countries are moving to develop “knowledge-based” economies. Higher education, particularly in technical areas,...
Hi-Tech Industry and Universities: A Perspective on Dating for Joint Innovation
Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Governance and leadership
Michel Bénard, HP University Relations 2010 As recorded since the very beginning of our written history, knowledge has been progressing by accumulating the experience of past and present generations (Van Doren, 1991). The creation of new knowledge has been performed...
The Challenge to European Universities in the Emerging Global Marketplace
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Missions & Responsibilities
Howard Newby, Liverpool University 2008 Although the topic for this paper implies a focus on Europe, the issues I want to address are by no means limited to that continent. Without wishing to minimize the significance of national differences and continental...
Developed Universities and the Developing World: Opportunities and Obligations
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities
Robert. M. Berdahl, Association of American Universities 2008 Among the scores of books written during the past decade about globalization — so many, in fact, that some by different authors bear the same title 1 — none has captured as many readers as Thomas L. ...
Globalization, Public Policies and Higher Education
Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities
David Ward, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2008 Globalization and the attendant emergence of the global knowledge economy are exerting tremendous pressures on universities around the world and reshaping some of their basic assumptions and activities. Although...
The Organizational Challenge for European Universities facing Globalization
Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities
Patrick Aebischer, Federal Institute of Technology 2008 The academic world is more global than ever: competition for talents, international mobility both of students and faculty, diversification of funding are some of the main features of this changing environment...
Building Singapore’s University Education System in a Globalized World
Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities
Toni Tan Keng Yam, National Research Foundation 2008 Singapore is a small young nation with a relatively short history, becoming independent only in 1965. Over the last 42 years, Singapore has moved from third world to first world and built a modern economy with a...
The Collaboration Imperativ
Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Governance and leadership
Wayne C. Johnson, HP University Relations 2006 Read the full article
European Strategy to promote the Knowledge Society
Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities
Luc E. Weber, University of Geneva 2006 Read the full article
Higher Education Systems Dynamics and Useful Knowledge Creation
Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities
Frans van Vught, University of Twente 2006 Read the full article
War and Peace: How did We Get Here in HE-Business Relations
Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Governance and leadership
Howard Newby, University of Liverpool 2006 Read the full article
Strategic Alliances between Universities and their Communities
Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Governance and leadership
Brenda Gourley, Open University 2006 Read the full article
Best Practice in Business-University Collaboration
Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Research & Innovation
Richard Lambert, Bank of England 2006 Read the full article
Preface to University and Business Partnering
Financial Resources, Preface and Conclusion
2006 Read the full article
Knowledge Diffusion: The Prospects for More Productive University-Industry Partnerships
Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Governance and leadership
Anita K. Jones, National Science Board 2006 Read the full article
the Glion Colloquium
Representing a diverse range of backgrounds, regions and disciplines, our participants come from a variety of universities and countries, united by a shared passion for innovation and excellence in higher education in the service of society.