Declining Demand among Students for Science and Engineering
Chapters and other contributions, Research & Innovation, Teaching & Learning
Georg Winckler, University of Vienna 2006 Read the full article
European Research Policy: Towards Knowledge and Innovation or Trivial Pursuit
Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation
Bertil Andersson, European Science Foundation 2006 Read the full article
Innovation and Wealth Creation
Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation
Dennis Tsichritzis, University of Geneva 2006 Read the full article
Best Practice in Business-University Collaboration
Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Research & Innovation
Richard Lambert, Bank of England 2006 Read the full article
Developing Ongoing Research and Learning Relationships
Chapters and other contributions, Research & Innovation, Teaching & Learning
Peter Lorange, IMD 2006 Read the full article
Effective Knowledge Transfer from Research Universities to Industry
Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Research & Innovation
Thomas M. Connelly, DuPont Corporation 2006 Read the full article
Global Networks and Knowledge Diffusion
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Research & Innovation
William Brody, John Hopkins University 2006 Read the full article
University-Industry Collaborations
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation, Teaching & Learning
Klaus Müller, Hoffmann-La Roche 2006 Read the full article
University-Business Partnership for a Knowledge Society
Chapters and other contributions, Governance and leadership, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation
James J. Duderstadt, University of Michigan; Luc E. Weber, University of Geneva 2006 Read the full article
The Modern University and its Main Activities
Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation, Teaching & Learning
André Oosterlinck, Catholic University of Leuven 2004 Read the full article
Reinventing the Research University_An American perspective
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Research & Innovation, Teaching & Learning
Bob Zemsky, University of Pennsylvania; James J. Duderstadt, University of Michigan 2004 Read the full article
Globalization of Research and Development in a Federated World
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Financial Resources, Research & Innovation
Wayne C. Johnson, HP University Relations 2004 Read the full article
Innovation in Undergraduate Teaching: Student-centred and Research-led learning
Chapters and other contributions, Research & Innovation, Teaching & Learning
Roger Downer, University of Limerick 2004 Read the full article
The Changing Nature of Research and the Future of the University
Challenges, Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation
James J. Duderstadt, University of Michigan 2004 Read the full article
The Dream of Reason brings forth Monsters: Science and Social Progress in an Era of Risk
Chapters and other contributions, Missions & Responsibilities, Research & Innovation, Teaching & Learning
Howard Newby, University of Liverpool 2004 Read the full article
the Glion Colloquium
Representing a diverse range of backgrounds, regions and disciplines, our participants come from a variety of universities and countries, united by a shared passion for innovation and excellence in higher education in the service of society.